Richard simmon says your gay meme

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On March 1st, 2010, along with Colin Liddle, Spencer Launched, which the Atlantic later described as 'white nationalist site.' In 2011, Spencer became the head of the white nationalist think tank National Policy Institute (NPI) and white nationalist publisher Washing Summit Publishers (WSP). Shortly after joining, he became editor of The American Conservative, but by December 2007, American Conservative founding editor Scott McConnell fired Spencer, whose views McConnell found too extreme. He soon dropped out of college to write for the magazine full time, pursuing a career in 'thought crime.' Shortly after, he coined the term 'alt-right.' He told New York Magazine, 'In this funny chain of events, the Duke lacrosse case changed the course of my career.' Following his talk, he was asked to write a piece for The American Conservative. In January 2007, Richard Spencer, then a PhD candidate at Duke University made a speech at a panel discussion regarding a Duke rape scandal, in which three members of Duke's lacrosse team were falsely accused of raping a female student.

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